Cocoa Video Tour

Cocoa Video Tour
Tour our Beautiful City
in a Video Showcase you won't soon forget!

Meet Your Mayor

Meet Your Mayor
Michael C. Blake, Mayor
Click on picture above to read Mayor Blake's Welcome Message!

Water Quality

Water Quality
Click Water Tower to View our Water Quality Report

News and Information

NEWS FLASH - Boil Water Notice

Friday Road - Cocoa

As of March 4, 2010 please be advised that due to a water main break the City of Cocoa Utilities Department is notifying you that you need to boil your drinking water. Therefore, as a precaution, we advise that all water used for drinking, cooking, making ice, brushing teeth, or washing dishes be boiled. A rolling boil of one minute is sufficient. As an alternative bottled water may be used.

This affects the following customers in Cocoa:

1.) 500 Friday Road

During natural or man-made disasters the boiling of water may not be possible due to the lack of power within water system's service area. If there is no power, residents and businesses should be instructed to disinfect their drinking water as follows:

  • Tap water can be disinfected by adding 8 drops of unscented household bleach (4-6% active ingredients) to each gallon of water, then mixing the water and allowing it to stand for a minimum period of 30 minutes. Note: Cloudy water requires 16 drops of bleach and a 30 minute contact time. Also, other approved chemical disinfectants are available at stores that sell camping and hiking supplies.
This is in effect until further notice. This is necessary to make sure the water is safe to drink. Samples will be picked up and tested on two (2) consecutive days. You will be notified in writing when we are sure that the water is safe to drink. If you have any questions about water quality sampling, please call our Water Quality Assurance Laboratory at 433-8709. For any other questions, call our Water Field Operations office at 433-8890.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

NEWS FLASH - Boil Water Notices Rescinded

1.)  London Blvd. - Cocoa

As of March 5, 2010 the following customers in Cocoa:

  • SR 524 and London Blvd.
  • All of North Road
  • All of Barkway Drive
  • All of Ipswith Drive
  • All of Witham Drive
  • All of Colchester Road
  • All of Brandon Court
  • All of Sandgate Court
  • All of Dover Lane
  • All of Denham Road
The March 2, 2010 , "Precautionary Boil Water Notice" is hereby rescinded following repairs to the water main and satisfactory completion of the bacteriological survey showing that the water in safe to drink.

If you have any questions about water quality sampling, please call our Water Quality Assurance Laboratory at 433-8709. For any other question call our Water Field Operations office at 433-8890.

2.) N. Banana River Drive - Merritt Island

As of March 3, 2010 the following customers in Merritt Island:

  • 1201 - 1280 N. Banana River Drive
  • 1376 - 1546 Bermuda Avenue
  • 1400 - 1530 Wilmar Avenue
  • 1115 - 1610 Horizon Court
  • 1600 - 1617 Sun Point Place
The March 1, 2010 , "Precautionary Boil Water Notice" is hereby rescinded following repairs to the water main and satisfactory completion of the bacteriological survey showing that the water in safe to drink.

If you have any questions about water quality sampling, please call our Water Quality Assurance Laboratory at 433-8709. For any other question call our Water Field Operations office at 433-8890.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

NEWS FLASH - Toilet Rebate Program

The City of Cocoa Utilities Department is offering 58 toilet rebates to customers in our service area on a first come first served basis in a continuing effort to conserve water.

Toilets account for 30% of the water usage in the home. Older homes can have a toilet that uses up to 5-7 gallons per flush.

An average household with four residents flushes the toilet 24 times a day which uses 52,560 gallons a year. When the water-guzzling toilet (6 gallons per flush) is replaced with a 1.6 gallon per flush toilet, that same household of four uses 14,016 gallons of water a year. That is a savings of 38,544 gallons of water per year.

To receive a packet please e-mail or call 433-8705, Monday - Friday 7:30 am to 4:30 pm.

About Cocoa

“The City of Community, Culture and Commerce”

The City of Cocoa is located in historic downtown Cocoa Village:

65 Stone Street Cocoa, FL 32922
(321) 433-8800

City Council Meetings

City Council Meetings
Click to Watch!

Save Our Space

Save Our Space
City of Cocoa is proud of our Space Program.
Click on picture above to learn how you can help Save Our Space Program